Tron Electric, Inc. excels in the Commercial Construction market, including new construction and remodel construction for your electrical needs. We proudly serve the Houston, Texas area and most of its surrounding counties. We have traveled all across Texas doing electrical work and will consider any project in Texas.
- 24 HR Emergency Services
- Airports
- Banks
- Churches
- Design/Build Shell Buildings
- Electrical Flood Renovations
- FEMA Projects
- Fire Stations
- Generators
- Industrial/Manufacturing Facilities
- Interior Build-Out
- K-12 Schools and Facilities
- Lighting Design and Retro-Fit
- Maintenance Contracts
- Medical Facilities
- Office Buildings
- Oil and Gas Drilling Rigs
- Police Stations
- Power Company Duct Banks
- Public Facilities
- Restaurants
- Retail Shopping Centers
- Testing, Troubleshooting and Repair
- Toshiba International
- Universities
- Walmart Stores